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Alameda Municipal Election 2004

Election Date: November 2, 2004

Disclaimer: This webpage is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent an endorsement of any potential candidates. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals about the upcoming election.

November 2nd Election Alameda City

Board of Education Pulled Filed 
Three Positions Available Papers Papers
David Forbes 12-Jul 6-Aug
Janet Gibson 12-Jul 6-Aug
Karin Lucas 12-Jul 6-Aug
William Schaff 12-Jul 6-Aug
Bob Reeves 15-Jul 5-Aug
Vernice Boone* 23-Jul 30-Jul
City Council
Two Positions Available
Doug deHaan 12-Jul 2-Aug
Betsy Elgar 12-Jul 6-Aug
Gregory Rasner 12-Jul DNF
Ruben Tilos 16-Jul 6-Aug
Marie Gilmore 19-Jul 6-Aug
Lena Tam 19-Jul DNF
Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft 21-Jul 30-Jul
Pat Bail 22-Jul 4-Aug
Vernice Boone* 23-Jul 30-Jul
Tom Pavletic 23-Jul DNF
Angela Rehm 30-Jul DNF
Berresford Bingham 2-Aug DNF
City Auditor
Kevin Kearney 12-Jul 2-Aug
City Treasurer
Kevin Kennedy 19-Jul 3-Aug

Ballot Position for November 2 Election

School Board City Council Hospital Board
Vernice Boone Vernice Boone Tom Pavletic
Bob Reeves Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft Elliot Gorelink
David Forbes Doug DeHaan Lena Tam
Bill Schaff Pat Bail Jeptha Boone
Janet Gibson Ruben Tilos Vernice Boone
Karin Lucas Betsy Elgar .
. Marie Gilmore .

Board of Education

There will be three positions on Alameda Board of Education contested on November 2nd. Barbara Guenther, who has served 8 years, can not run due to term limits. Six candidates are running for School Board.

City Council

There will be two positions on City Council contested on November 2nd. Barbara Kerr, who has served 8 years, can not run due to term limits. Seven candidates are running for City Council.

Note: The Hospital District is not part of the City and as result the information on potential candidates is limited. Tom Pavletic, Vernice Boone, Elliot Gorelick and appointed incumbents Lena Tam and Jeptha Boone, M.D have filed for two positions.

*The Elections code does not prohibit a persons from simultaneously running for more than one elective position.

Return to Election 2004 Home Page

Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 5, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.