This an article of the 2000-2003 contract with teachers that are represented by the Alameda Education Association. Here the complete table of contents of the contract. ARTICLE 20DISCIPLINARY ACTION 20.01 Definition 20.01.01 Disciplinary action in the form of dismissal shall be in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Education Code. 20.01.02 Disciplinary action, other than dismissal, shall be given in accord with this procedure, and only for just cause. 20.02 Right to Representation Upon request, an employee has the right to be represented by the Association or an individual of his/her choice in any disciplinary action under this procedure. 20.03 Levels of Progressive Discipline 20.03.01 Discipline shall be commensurate with the offense. Normally, progressive steps (written warning/reprimand, written reprimand placed in the employee's personnel file) shall be followed unless the offense is of such severity that a heavier penalty may be warranted. Any disciplinary action shall be based upon verified data. Normally, a written warning or reprimand shall be preceded by a verbal warning. 20.03.02 Any suspension shall be based upon verified data. A copy of all suspension orders shall be given to the Association and placed in the employee's file. 20.03.03 No suspension in excess of one (1) day shall be ordered for any employee unless he/she had first been suspended for one (1) day for a similar and separate action or infraction within the current school year. 20.04 Suspension Suspension may be without pay, but shall not reduce or deprive the employee of seniority or other rights or any fringe benefits. No suspension shall exceed five (5) working days in duration and no suspension period shall be carried over from one school year to the next. 20.04.01 No suspension of an employee shall take place except by action of the Board of Education taken pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 20.05 Penalties No employee shall receive more than one (1) penalty for any single action or infraction. 20.06 Action Stayed If a grievance is filed by an employee or the Association related to the discipline of the employee, then all disciplinary action proposed by the District shall be stayed pending a final decision on the grievance. 20.07 Follow-Up Notice If, after having been disciplined, an employee serves the District for twelve (12) months without the need for further disciplinary action, upon request he/she and the Association shall be given a follow-up notice to that effect which shall also be attached to any original notice that may have been placed in his/her personnel file. Go to the previous article. Go to the next article.
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